Bermés (Santa María)

The parish of Bermés appears mentioned in the documents of Bishop Odoario in the 8th century. The original church was replaced in the 12th century by another Romanesque one. Several Roman funerary stelae from the I-III centuries were found in its surroundings.

It conserves part of its lateral walls from its Romanesque factory. In them you can see metopes decorated with eight-pointed stars or with flowers with round petals and a central button, as well as corbels in the shape of leaves, seated people, birds and animal heads.

The chancel and the western façade were remodeled in the middle of the 19th century. Four capitals are preserved in the Pontevedra museum, probably belonging to the triumphal arch and the transverse arch of the apse.

Before entering the church we can admire the centenary oak, registered in the "Catálogo de árbores senlleiras de Galicia" (Catalogue of singular trees of Galicia).

42.7195000, -008.1358056
Imagen Bermés (Santa María)